Monday, August 20, 2012

How My Husband Saved The Day

Here's the story...

I decided a couple weeks ago that I wanted to do a cooking marathon and freeze some meals. So, on Monday I went to the store and then on Tuesday night, while hubby was at a meeting, I cooked. And when I say cooked, I mean I cooked! About 5 hours worth of it. I baked and mixed and grilled and blended my way to 6 completed meals that will feed my beautiful little family for approximately 12 nights.

It was with blurred vision and a great amount of stumbling that I finally made my way toward my soft, amazing, warm and utterly inviting bed. Maybe it was the fog I was seeing through or maybe it was just plain subconscious denial, whichever, somehow I managed to miss a certain small, orange light that glowed from my ever faithful crockpot in the corner.

The next morning I thanked my stars as I looked at the clock and saw it was 8:30am... Little A had graciously slept in. I got up with a smile and opened my door- that's when it hit me. The strong, pungent smell of overdone barbecue. I rushed to the kitchen to find my pulled chicken still cooking away- into charcoal. I almost cried, standing there over the fumes... but I didn't. I pulled myself together, salvaged what I could, tossed it in a freezer bag and set the pot to soak.

A couple days later, I had my husband try my burnt chicken concoction (as I was too much of a wuss to do it myself). He got a funny look on his face and, forming words around the burnt bits in his mouth, said, "Umm, well, it's a bit dry" pause "and, um, strong."

I left it in the freezer.

Fast forward several days to the present.

My husband come into the bedroom where I am resting with a cold, baby in one arm, fork in another. "Try this." He said. I looked at him in abject terror. But how could I refuse him?

I opened my mouth waiting for the rank, dry mass that had been taunting me from the freezer... and instead I got a nicely balanced bite of sweet chickeny/beany goodness. "Wow, that's good."

His silent look was one of complete love.

Oh man, am I a puddle right now. Le sigh.

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