Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Toddler Lesson Plan: Dinosaurs

I went shopping today... again.

I was at the same coffee shop today as I vlogged about the other day, when I spied, out the same window, the clearance items- except they had added more. The inner deal seeker in me went bananas. My heart sped up and I kept an eagle eye on that table, figuring out which items I may want to check out. When I could stand it no longer, I got Little A to clean up her toys and then headed over.

There were so many things I wanted! But I kept myself reserved. What would I actually use for Little A? I found a playmat by Neat-Oh! (the same people who make the zip-bins I vlogged about) that was 50% off, which put it at about $6.50. It wasn't until I was nearly at the register that I realized that the mat had 2 sides, a farm side and a dinosaur side (double score!)- so we picked up a couple little dinosaurs.

Farm side came with 3 figures

Dino side

Fun photo shoot with dinos

Little A and I have explored the farm theme quite a bit, because she likes animals so much, but we haven't even touched on dinosaurs. So, I thought I would put together a lesson plan to share with you here.

We'll prepare for this lesson by watching a fun show about dinosaurs (maybe Dinosaur Train?). And I'll make sure to pick up a book about dinosaurs from the library. That way I can pique Little A's interest before we even start.

Then we'll start the hands-on part by making some dinosaur eggs and put the dinosaurs inside. Once they are dry, maybe after nap, we will bust them open and talk about the dinosaurs we find inside. I think I'll have the mat ready so we can have some imaginative play. We can talk about which dinosaurs fly, which dinosaurs might eat meat, what kind of skin they might have and even make up some noises that each of them might have made.

I am excited to update everybody about how it goes, so keep checking back for how the lesson turns out.

Any additional ideas/suggestions would be completely welcome!


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  1. You have so many great ideas! I love getting all sorts of new ideas to do with my daughter. I have nominated you for the Liebster Award! Come over to my blog to get the specifics.

  2. Oh my goodness! Thank you so much. I am a little flabbergasted (I don't know how one can be "a little" flabbergasted, but I am). It's so nice to get recognized for your passion. Thanks again, Michelle.
