Sunday, August 19, 2012

DIY: Travel-Sized Doghouse Playset

I have had this idea bouncing around in my head for a while. If you remember awhile back, I reported on a trip to Michael's during which I got some cool little boxes with lids. I have been thinking about turning one of those into a play set for Little A to use when we have to go out or for when we travel. So, finally I got around to it.

Here's what I started with:

-The paper mache box
-A couple plastic pups 
-Some scrap paper
-Scissors, glue, paints, etc

Then I got to work. As a side note, I couldn't find my modge podge because we just moved and it's still packed so I used just regular glue. IT. STUNK! The entire time I was doing this project, my mind was throwing a tantrum for modge podge. This project will be much better when I can coat it with paste but *shrug* what do you do?

So, the first thing I did was to put some nice scrapbook cardstock on the lid as a "roof" for the playset.

And this is the reason I NEED modge podge!

(I like that one of the pups is in the background as if waiting for his home to be finished.)

When I realized that pasting on cardstock without the right paste would stink, I decided to paint the box instead of papering it. Then I added paper to the inside of the bottom of the box as the "floor" of the doghouse.

The door is just another piece of paper from my scraps.

This next part is my favorite. I cut up some pieces of green grass paper and laid them, overlapping, in the inside of the lid of the box. I also added a round piece of water themed paper as their little water dish. 

After that I just threw some stickers on the side and it was finished!

I won't be giving this to Little A until I get a coat of paste on it but I am super happy with the way it came out! I have a feeling that she's going to have a lot of fun with it.

Another plus to this project is that it was incredibly cheap. The box was 2 dollars from Michael's, the pups were maybe 69 cents each from the toy store and then the rest I had on hand. So, for less than 4 dollars, Little A has a fun new travel toy.

The above is an Amazon Affiliate link. Thanks for supporting My Child Centered Life!


  1. This is very cute. My three year old would be all over this, and he would insist on taking it everywhere we went. :) Thank you for linking up to The Sunday Showcase.

  2. I'm sure that Little A will get more out of it as she grows as well. Thanks!

  3. Super cute and a great idea. That would definitely keep my kids occupied.

  4. What a cool idea! And it came out so cute, which I had this on our last car trip my daughter would have loved it! I would love for you to share it on our Made by or for Kids Linky

    1. Thanks! I think Little A will enjoy it on the next trip. I will definitely head over and sign up for your linky party!

  5. I'm featuring this tomorrow on The Sunday Showcase!
