Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Trip to Michael's for Toddler Montessori Supplies

We went to Michael's the other day because I had heard from several bloggers that you can get some cool Montessori supplies for cheap there. Unfortunately, I was a couple days late for some of the stuff that would have uber cheap but we did get some good stuff nonetheless.

2 Paper Mache-type boxes- $2 each
Pack of Sea Shells-$.97 on clearance
Pack of Doll Pegs- $3
Little Wooden Box with Screen- $1

The boxes are considered paper mache but they are incredibly sturdy. I do have to watch Little A though, as she does like to chew and they wouldn't stand up to that very well. These are going to be great for her to take the lids on and off. They are pretty easy for her to handle and the lids are tight enough to hold on but loose enough to get off fairly easily. They'll also be great for doing this activity...

Little A and I tried it out and she's still a little young. However, she did have a great time taking the pegs out of the box and putting them in the lid. I'm going to leave this one out on her shelf from time to time to see the evolution of her play.

I really like the little wood box. It has a screen on top so when I put objects in there, she can see them and try to get them out. The box is not hard to get open but it does have a little latch that she has yet to figure out. 

The last set of items is the shells. These are awesome! There are some bigger shells and some smaller shells. The bigger ones I'm planning on using for a texture activity and the little ones I want to use in an I Spy bottle. They are going to be great for when we start talking about habitats and specifically the ocean. And you can't argue with the price of 97 cents.

So, overall I got at least five activities for around 9 dollars. Yipee!

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  1. These are some great ideas. We will have try them with our little girl. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks for visiting! I love exchanging ideas.
