Monday, March 5, 2012

Bobbi Pin Learning (Toddler Montessori)

Now that Little A is one, I figured that she's ready for some Montessori work that takes a bit more concentration. I'm not going to lie, I was a little worried that she wouldn't have the attention span for it but I was pleasantly surprised! She jumped right in...

To make this activity you're going to need...

-A canning jar with lid and ring
-Some cardboard
-Bobbi pins (or something similar)
-A pen

The first step is tracing the lid onto a piece of cardboard.

Then, cut the circle out and punch holes in it. Then fit it into the ring and put it onto the jar. 

When you introduce this to your kiddo, you will want to sit down in an area where there aren't too many distractions. I find it helpful, also, to make sure she's well fed, rested and feeling good. Most toddlers won't get exactly how this activity works so you will need to demonstrate.

But it won't take long until they're taking the pins (or whatever you used) from your hand to try it themselves.

At this age (around one), popular activities like the salt shaker and toothpicks are just too hard for them. The bobbi pins are big enough to hold, not too sharp and the holes can be made big enough to be challenging without being too easy. This type of activity is so so good for a toddler's fine motor skills; I've seen improvement in Little A's finger and hand movements already.

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  1. This looks like a blast! I'm going to do it with my baby--he's almost 21 months!

    1. Little A sure has a blast doing it. She wants to try this activity nearly every day since the first time!

  2. Great idea! I love that you came up with a variation that's easier than the toothpick and salt shaker activity! I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page:

    1. Wow! Thanks for the feature Deb. I'm so glad that you liked this idea.

  3. I love this idea. My son loves putting the babyfood lids in the slots, but it is getting way too easy for him. I am sure he would love this activity. I am definitely going to try it! I'm so glad you have decided to link up to Thinky Linky Thursday as I am now a new follower of your awesome blog.
    Lori @ Cachey Mama’s Classroom

    1. I actually saw this activity earlier this week on your blog and want to try it out with Little A. I'm glad that we can exchange ideas.

  4. Congrats, this post has been featured on Thinky Linky Thursday. Click HERE to see and get your “featured” button!
    Lori @ Cachey Mama’s Classroom

  5. Oh wow, I love this! I am going to try this for my daughter tomorrow! (She's a bit older, 22 mths, but I don't think she's ready for toothpicks!)

    I'd love it if you'd link up to my Teaching Time for Toddlers!

  6. Rachel,
    Thank you so much for the feedback. I will definitely link up with you on Tuesdays, as soon as I get back in the groove of writing. I'm taking a break to write a book and it's taking a little longer than planned. I look forward to joining up with you soon.

  7. I can see how this is so good for their fine motor skills. I can't wait to try this with my son. Thanks for sharing at Mom's Library!

    1. Absolutely! This was Little A's favorite activity for a loooong time. She would just sit and do it over and over.
