Tuesday, November 22, 2011


So, I have been consumed lately with this overt need to ORGANIZE! It is insane. I eat, breath, sleep with ideas about organizing on the brain. Perhaps it's my new infatuation with Pinterest? Whatever it is, it's a pretty strong feeling- it's rivaling the "nesting" urge I got when I was in my third trimester.

I went out today with Little A and shopped. We got buckets and bins and trays and drawers. Oh, and a cute little tote! We also purchased a curtain rod and curtain (both of which need to be exchanged as they are too small). I have this amazing idea to hang a curtain in our bedroom to try to reign in the chaos that is my sewing and crafting. A full three quarters of our large bedroom is strewn in fabric, thread and colorful paper.

My husband is not amused.

And to be honest, it's making me feel out of whack. I think it's due mainly to the fact that I am a recovering slob. I am not a neat or organized person BUT my home is my new workplace, and working in the craziness is not so much fun. I guess I always took a neat workplace for granted. Someone else was always figuring out how to make it beautiful and functional. Now, not only am I to do the job I've been doing for years (without "pay") but I am also in charge of making sure I have the space to do my work effectively. Sheesh, who knew how much work this job would really be. Is it worth it?

Uh, yeah, definitely!

P.S. Pictures of my organization to come.

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