Friday, November 18, 2011

Montessori Activities (9 mos)

I've posted pictures and descriptions about Little A's Montessori bedroom but my goal has been to incorporate Montessori into the rest of the house too. We have pictures that I still need to hang down at her level. I also need to get a little chair for the living room that is just hers.

We do have several shelves in our dining room and living room with great little activities and toys. I keep her activities in different baskets and sitting neatly on her shelves so that she has a sense of organization.

These blocks came from an off-brand Jenga set. We practice building with them. Well, I build and she knocks down. It's a little like "The City Contractor and The A Monster".

This are GREAT! I found it at Goodwill for $1.30 (I washed with hot water and vinegar). They are painted wood and a bit smaller than normal. Little A pulls them off and noms on them. If I show her how I put one back on, she will try as well.

This basket is filled with containers that can open and close. She can only really open the glasses case by herself but she enjoys handing them to Mommy so I can open and close them for her.


I can't take credit for this idea. I got it from a great blog that I've mentioned before, ChasingCheerios. The bottom picture shows all the objects in the box. I shake it and then give it to Little A. She always looks in excitedly to see and then shoves her little mitt in to try to get the things out. I change the objects every few days.

Every week or two these activities get switched out with other ones. We also have board books out that she can reach and pull down to read. She really enjoys being able to access her own things. 

I am working on getting a drawer cleaned out so that she has her own kitchen things. I also want to put a play kitchen in within the next year. 

I participate in these great link parties so check them out if you get the chance!

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