Thursday, November 17, 2011

I'm back!

I apologize for being gone so long, it has been crazy busy around here.

If I'm being completely honest, it's been a bit of a struggle. Being a stay at home mom is a world away from the work I was doing before Little A. When I was a nanny I could have fun, teach and love but then give the children back to their parents. Now, not only do I have her 24 hours a day but I also balance our budget, keep our home, feed our tummies, etc etc. It's a monumental task and I got buried beneath it. I feel like now I am finally coming up for some air.

When I realized that I had become depressed, I knew I needed to do something (urgently) about it. My husband has been so supportive. I'm able to take time when I need it, during the day (while Little A naps) and during the evening when my husband can take over. Also, I joined the choir which has been AMAZING! While I'm singing, I feel like just a person (not a mom or a wife) for the first time since I got pregnant. It's so freeing and rejuvenating.

The reason I am spilling my guts about this is not to get sympathy but rather to let all you other mamas out there that depression hits so many of us and often long before we realize it. It's nothing to be ashamed of or to run from. The better you take care of yourself, the better you will be able to care for your babe.

ANYWAY, just to catch you up...

Little A (8.5 months) has three teeth now and is in the full throws of teething. YAY! Also, she is crawling like a trooper and pulling up on everything. She is "talking" alot and her new thing is pointing. She likes to point out all the cool stuff she sees each day.

Thank you for being patient with my absence and I can't wait to dive back in!

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