Thursday, September 1, 2011

"Is Your Kid Too Pretty To Do Homework?"

This is the title of an article that PrudentBaby shared on Facebook today. The original article can be found on and was written by Jaime Morrison Curtis.

This is a t-shirt recently put out by JCPenney. I think it is absolutely RIDICULOUS! What kind of message is this sending to young girls and what kind of responsibility should a company have toward those girls? Media is already doing a fine job of telling girls that being "attractive" is paramount, but now they get to where that propaganda on their clothing too. This is such a great way to show girls that their only worth is wrapped up in what our society believes is "beautiful".

To illustrate what this kind of thing is doing to our girls, here are some statistics I dug up:

It's not just the statistics that are scary. I have had one-on-one experience with a young girl struggling with severe body image issues. She was 8 years old, incredibly thin (due to fast metabolism) but was convinced she was going to get fat so she stopped eating most everything. It was only through some very thorough education that we were able to help her understand how important it was to get proper nutrition. 

This issue is just so scary, especially as the parent of a little girl. Do you have a daughter? If so, what do you think about this issue?

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