Monday, August 22, 2011

Mom-To-Mom Modays: Note on Romance

If you mamas are anything like me, you know how hard it can be to keep the romance alive. Something I found out early on in my relationship with my husband was that he likes to feel special just as much as I do and that's been hard for me at times. I think that as women, we are programmed to expect that loving attention that makes us feel special but we don't see that our partners need it almost as often. Personally, I believe that some of that has to do with men's habit of coming off so macho, as if they don't like gushy stuff like receiving flowers or love notes.

My husband and I sometimes struggle, especially now that our life is so full and busy. Well, I discovered a little something I found helps a bit with that.

We bought a long mirror to go above Little A's bed. In the packaging came a dry erase marker with some velcro that is adhesive. The ideas is to stick it to the mirror and be able to doodle on it. Well, seeing as how Little A doesn't show an interest in doodling yet, I didn't think she'd mind if I snatched it up.

I decided to attach it to the inside of the cabinet in the bathroom.

Now, we have a very convenient way to leave cute, romantic and/or loving notes to one another.

I know, it's so sickly sweet, you wanna gag... that's the note FROM my husband (and I LOVE it!)

If you can't find one of these handy things, just pick up a small pack of self-adhesive velcro and a dry erase marker from your local craft store. Cut the velcro to size and then stick it to an accessible surface next to the mirror. Wa La, instant romantic messages. (Well, that's if you can get your SO to actually WRITE one. )

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