Friday, August 26, 2011

Gifts for Men- My husband's B-Day month

My husband's birthday is on Sept. 26th. His birthdays weren't special until we met so I want to make it great again this year, especially because it's kind of a big one. So, I've decided to do a birthday month, creating most (if not all) of the gifts. I told him that because he's getting a gift every day, he won't be getting a BIG gift at all. He says he's ok with that.

I know how hard it can be to come up with gifts for husbands, brothers, dads, etc so I thought I would share our month of gifts here with you all. I will do a post once a week (or thereabouts) relating what I made and how (and maybe some notes about what he thought). Here we go:

Gift #1: Half-Dozen "Manly" Hankies

This gift is a laugh for me. My husband and I aren't into gender roles but I know that we each need to have the other honor our feminine and masculine energies. Thus the hankies. He said he wanted some one day and then I found this fabric in my stash. Wa la!

These hankies were made with flannel and cotton fabrics, approx 8"x8".

-I made the appliqued ones by doing a zigzag stitch (serging would be better) around the edges and then attaching the animal with a straight stitch (wash them before giving so that you can snip off ragged edges).

-The other ones I made by putting the cloth right-sides facing each other and then straight-stitching all the way around (except for a little spot to pull it right-side out).
-Then I pull it out and stitched, again, around the edges.
SUPER easy!

Gift #2: Man Body Scrub

My husband is always using my body scrub and then complaining about it smelling "girly" (how is grapefruit girly?). So, I made him his own.

The scrub is very easy.
-I filled a container with plain white sugar.
-Then I added olive oil to the correct consistency.
-Then, I added tea tree essential oil until it smelled yummy. (You can use any essential oil you like.)
The container is an old nut container and I just added some letter stickers I had lying around. That's it!

I don't have all 30 days mapped out yet so... Do YOU have any ideas on good homemade gifts?

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