Monday, August 15, 2011

Mom-To-Mom Modays: "The Stay At Home Survival Guide"

So, I have decided to try out a new weekly "spot". For those who have read back in the blog, we used to have a "Toddler Tuesday" piece but seeing as how I no longer care for toddlers...

The new spot, Mom-To-Mom Mondays, will play host to books, articles and posts written by moms, for moms.  One of the most important things I did even before Little A was born was to reach out to other mamas so I feel like it will be nice to pass on some of that here. Here we go...

On our first Mom-To-Mom Monday, I'm going to share my insight on the book "The Stay-At-Home Survival Guide" by Melissa Stanton. I read about this book in an articles somewhere and when I saw that it was available at the library, I just had to snatch it up.

To be honest, I'm not quite finished with it yet but what I have read has been smart, comforting and helpful. Stanton did a survey and to quote her, "More than 60 women responded to the survey in detail. Several other contributed via emails and during [person to person] encounters." (Pg 13-14)

With the help of those women who took the survey, Stanton takes a look at several things:
-What's "normal" for a SAHM
-How money works for different SAHMs
-How to balance romance and sex with being a mom
-Giving yourself a break from self-criticism
-Some of our insecurities as moms (mommy brain, negativity, etc)
-Taking time for ourselves
-How to transition back into the workplace, if that is your goal

The way she writes is down-to-earth, empathetic and warm. She gives so much good advice and great ideas for all different kinds of moms. I was so impressed with what she had to say that I bookmarked several sections and then left it on the back of the toilet for my husband to read.

(If I leave ANY reading material on the back of the toilet, you can bet that it gets read. My husband became an expert swaddler after "Babygami" got left there.)

I highly recommend this book to both new moms and seasoned moms that may need a new perspective. There were several copies in our library system so I'm sure it's widely accessible at your local library.

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