Friday, July 22, 2011

Great Discovery!

Today Little A and I made our weekly trip to the library. When we first moved here, I was a little disappointed with how small our local branch is. I was hoping for a more dynamic program and bigger selection. However, meeting our librarians and establishing relationships has been fun and good for both of us.

Today I had my eye out for some good sewing books to do projects for Little A. (I FINALLY got most of my equipment organized and I'm itching to get cracking at the machine again.) I did get a couple books that look like they have promise (I will update with anything spectacular).

Then we ambled over to the baby book section. We've been really enjoying Skippyjon Jones and Olivia. I love how much imagination is celebrated in the Skippyjon Jones books and they are SO MUCH FUN to read! If you like to read aloud, I would strongly recommend them. I like the Olivia books because Olivia is so vivacious and her very own person. I like her as a role model for Little A.

Today we didn't find much but we did pick up a copy of The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. I love Eric Carle's art, it seems to appeal so much to a baby's color palette.

On our way out, I noticed a door set back out of the hallway marked Library Bookstore. We had time, so I went in to check it out. My husband and I have WAY to many books between the two of us but I really would like to build up Little A's collection. I found the kids books on the bottom part of a shelf tucked away in a corner. It didn't look very promising on the outset but I was delighted when, with a little digging, I found some gems!

We picked up copies of "Eeyore Loses a Tail", "Wake Up" and "Light". My husband loves Winnie the Pooh so I am excited to show him the Eeyore book, but the other two really excite me. "Wake Up" is one of those "magic" picture books where the pictures move as you turn the page. I think Little A will be taken with that. "Light" is a Scholastic book with the transparency overlays. Although Little A isn't quite big enough to understand this one, it won't be long until we can start talking about the properties of light and this will really help!

And we paid, wait for it (drum roll please).... A dollar twenty-five. That's it! That's as cheap as a garage sale and the books are in GREAT shape. I'm SO stoked!

So, next time you're in your local library, check to see if they have a bookstore. You can find amazing deals there.

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