Saturday, July 23, 2011

Experiment: Teething Buscuits

Little A is teething. Ugh.

We had some really rough days this last week so I decided to come up with some creative ways to help her feel better. It was while she was trying to nom on some pizza crust I was eating that a lightbulb flashed. Teething buscuits! What a perfect solution.

So, off I went to find a recipe. I found this recipe at This was one of many, many recipes. I chose it because it is simple and I had all the ingredients. (The picture is one I took when they came out of the oven.)

Teething Biscuit Recipes - Eggless Baby Cereal Cookies

1 cup flour
1 cup dry infant rice cereal with bananas (or other flavored or
unflavored infant cereal)
3 tablespoons cooking oil
ice water

Preheat oven 425F
Mix flour and cereal.
Gradually stir in oil. Mix a little ice water at a time (start with 1/4 cup) until dough begins to form a ball and pull away from the bowl.
Roll out to the thickness of a cracker on a floured surface and cut into desired shapes.
Bake on an ungreased cookie sheet 10-12 min. or until lightly brown. Cool completely.

Store in an airtight container. (you may want to try 1/2 plain and 1/2 flavored baby cereal as the taste when using full flavored baby cereal is very strong.)

I just took them out of the oven but Little A went down for a nap so it's going to be a little while until we can put them to the baby test. My initial thought is that they taste ok and they are pretty hard, which is good because I want them to withstand the slobber without breaking down too much. I froze them to make them a bit more tough and to make them cold.

I can't wait for Little A to wake up so we can try them out!

Some notes: I added a little bit of fruit puree and honey to the recipe. Also, if you decide to try these, make sure to get them pretty thin OR add 8-10 mins to the cook time.

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