Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Skippyjon Jones

WE LOVE Skippyjon Jones! I was introduced to this raucous cat a couple years ago by a little boy that I worked with. These books, written by Judith Byron Schachner, are hilarious, imaginative and incredibly fun to read aloud. (WARNING: If tongue-twisters get your goat, this may not be the book you want to read aloud.)

Skippyjon Jones is a little Siamese cat with a mom, Mama Junebug Jones, and three little sisters. His problem (is it a problem?) is that his imagination gets out of hand sometimes and he gets in trouble for it. But when Mama sends him to think about his misdeeds, he disappears into his closet to go on an adventure. He saves little chihuahuas from Banditos, finds Mummies who are sleeping in peas and goes after dinosaurs.

I love that it teaches children to really take hold of their own imaginations and to not be afraid to be whatever they want to be. Did I mention that they're REALLY fun to read aloud (see forementioned warning)? These books are great for ages 4 to 10-12 but even my 5 month old, Little A, loves hearing Mommy make a dork of herself with all the action and tongue-twisters.

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