Monday, September 3, 2012

Trip to the Zoo

I'd like to share some of our pictures and thoughts from our recent trip to Woodland Park Zoo. It seems that Little A just keeps getting more and more from our excursions and it's so exciting to see her really engage with the animals.

The Farm portion of our zoo has a little section where you can pet the goats. Little A is finally getting to the point where she isn't scared and is keenly interested. She loves to feel their fur and talk non-stop with the Keeper (keep in mind, she's not actually able to speak much English yet). 

I am so proud of how she is with animals. My husband and I decided to get 2 kittens right before she started crawling and I firmly believe that being raised with them and being taught how to treat them has given her a respect for animals that's beyond her years. 

Our zoo has an amazing indoor playspace. Every day in the afternoon, they put on a great puppet show for the kiddos. I never bothered to sit with Little A to watch one because I thought she just wouldn't grasp it but my husband wanted to try it. She was totally involved. She loved watching the animals sing and talk about 'feet'. When the puppeteers came out to hang out with the kids and have a "dance party", she was psyched to be able to hug the stars of the show. Sometimes daddies are right.

It was a wonderful day of learning and exploring with our whole little family.


  1. Sounds like a fun trip! Love the pics!

    Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog!
    Have a nice day!
