Friday, September 7, 2012

The Secrets to a Sane Mommy, Part 3

I've been contemplating this post for a while. There are lots of things that I do to keep sane but what are the most essential to be able to share with everybody? It was while I was sitting down to meditate that it hit me... One of the most effective ways to stay sane as a mom is to stay mindful.

"Mindful" is such a loaded word. For some of us it can seem overwhelming or even cause feelings of resentment. How can we possibly be more mindful than we already are by just being with our kids? What I've found is that by practicing mindfulness and meditation, I'm able to stay in the moment with Little A and just enjoy what's happening.

Too often we get caught up in our plans, how we want things to be, or we get so stressed about everything else that needs to get done that the present moment gets forgotten. When I practice being mindful and present, I let go (or try to, at least) of my expectations of the moment and just live in it for what it is. So, when Little A spills her juice all over her, her highchair and the carpet, I can laugh and just clean it up rather than getting caught up in why it sucks that there's sticky juice all over everything.

My mantra at the moment is, "What does this moment require of me?" Just asking myself this one question often through out the day can help focus me on what's important and that usually is what is sitting right in front of me. Sometimes the moment requires that I be making lunch and laughing with Little A (and nothing more), sometimes it means actually doing the housework but sometimes it means that I am just resting.

As a mother, my head is constantly whirling with how to manage it all. Too often I let that take over my time with my beautiful baby. Mindfulness is the key to bringing me back to what's important.

So, to wrap up, being present and knowing what this very moment requires of us can help us enjoy our kids and life more and it can also tell us when to slow down and breath.

Check out Parts 1 and Part 2 of this series as well!


  1. Ah, I need to meditate more! It's SO hard to find a balance and stay sane!

    1. I think it's always a struggle to do meditate as much as we should. Thanks for dropping in.
