Saturday, September 8, 2012

Stackin It Up- Toddler Sorting

I wanted to quickly share a moment in our home with you...

Little A has been getting much more into sorting and organizing things. (Is she even related to me?) It seems to just come naturally to her. I would like to think that some of that is due to how we organize her environment with everything having a place and going back to it's place but who knows?

Little A and her daddy were sitting and playing in the living room and this is what I walked into...

We brought some diet sodas home from my mom's wedding and, being the unorganized mommy that I am, I hadn't put them away yet so they became fair game, so to speak. I was surprised at how coordinated she was with being able to stack them up on top of each other, and on the carpet, nonetheless.

She was able to make a stack of three before they would fall over or, more often, get ecstatically toppled over.

This whole scene lasted probably a whole 20 minutes. Both Little A's daddy and I were pretty impressed with her abilities. It reminds me that even the most mundane things can be fun and new to our inquisitive Littles.

How has your kiddo used household objects to build or create? Share in the comment section below.

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