Thursday, August 16, 2012

Markers in the Tub

Ok, I guess we're going to be seeing a theme in my posts... less messy toddler art. We tried this just a couple weeks ago and it was such a great experience! Little A really likes drawing and her favorite thing to draw with is markers. This Mama cringes whenever I even think about a marker hitting the floor. I know, they're supposed to be washable but I'm not sure I believe that it will fully come out of the carpet. So...

Voila, mess-less marker play! Little A couldn't believe at first that she was allowed to just color all over the tub but once she got the hang of it, she was unstoppable!

It was so fun to watch her get really into using all the colors and getting so engrossed in the lines and shapes she was drawing.

One of the coolest parts of this project is actually after the drawing is over. (I wish I'd taken pictures but we will next time.) When you fill the tub with water, so the little one can take a bath to get all the marker off, the colors "leak" and run together, making beautiful patterns. Little A and I talked about how the colors would mix and how each of the individual colors make new colors when they come together. It was such a lovely experience.

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  1. So fun! Did you just use regular markers? My daughter will love this!

    Found you via MBC!

    1. Yup! These are just regular ol' Crayola Washable Markers. You can actually find a great coupon for Crayola inside Cheerio boxes right now. :) Thanks for the bloglove!

  2. This looks so fun. My daughter will love this!

    1. Absolutely! I think little ones just get a kick out of how BIG their canvas is inside the tub.
