Friday, August 17, 2012

"But she's just too little!"- Toddler Chores

We have all been there... Our small child is running around pulling books down off the shelf to be read, opening every cabinet in the house and somehow has managed to smash a renegade pea into the hair on the back of their head. All of this happens, of course, while we are trying to get things done around the house. Will chaos ever END?!

The truth is, in this circumstance, it totally can (at least most of the time). As a nanny, one of the hardest things to convince parents of was their child's competence. You'd think, being our child's biggest fan, we would be completely confident in their abilities but that's not always the case. I've found that it's very easy to lose track of challenging my daughter because there is so much in life to do and get done. It was easy when I was a nanny and could just sit back, looking at parents and thinking, "Well, geez, why can't you just see what I see?"

(I must pause a moment and send out fervent thoughts of apology to all my former employers, I totally get it now.)

It's getting lost in all of this that blinds us from seeing that our "little baby" is actually a quite capable toddler. I have found recently that Little A is not only capable of helping me load the dishwasher, sort the laundry, make the bed, put toys away, garden, put things back where they go and even cook but she's also perfectly content in doing it.

When I can remember to pull her into my task, give her a job or purpose, I have noticed that she isn't running around being a crazy person and I am not reaching for the Excedrin Migraine.

The challenge for me comes when I realize that the chore that would have taken me 5 minutes, turns into a 20 minute (S-L-O-W) task. But I think it's completely worth it. In fact, most of the time I have quite a bit of fun!


  1. Hello. I totally agree. A lot of parents, including me sometimes, underestimate their children. Stopping by from MBC. I am a new follower. Hope to see you at True Aim!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! I just took a look at your site, I agree with much of your philosophy and I'm really looking forward to getting to know you and your site better.

  2. This is so true! I am just starting to see that my baby is old enough to help with a few things around the house. It's nothing compared to the messes she makes, but it is so great to watch her learn to help. Her favorite chore is "helping" me unload the dishwasher. She hands me the silverware.

    1. That's so funny, that's Little A's dishwasher job as well. Although, too often she tries to help load the dishwasher and then gets all gross with food from the dirty dishes. Ugh!

  3. It's so easy to not realize that they're old enough to start helping out! I found you via the Mom Bloggers Club and am your newest follower! When you get a sec, I'd love a follow back at! :)

    1. Thanks so much for coming to take a look at my blog. I took a look at yours and I am delighted to be your newest follower! You have such a great writing voice and I really feel kindred to your struggles and celebrations of mommyhood.
