Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Discover Textures- 9 month activity

Recently I found a great idea for an activity for Little A.

The idea is to put cloth wipes in a wipes container and let the baby pull them out one at a time. Well, my cloth wipes, I found are just a little too bulky. So, I went on a search for something that would work better... and THEN I spotted my scraps bag. DUH! I had so much fun going through picking out strips.

What I love about the idea of using scrap is that there are SO MANY textures, whereas all my wipes are flannel. I picked out some terry cloth (I would suggest finishing the edges on terry as it gets everywhere otherwise), flannel, tshirt knit, PUL and fleece. I was so excited to give it to Little A.

At first, she was enthralled- she usually is with a new activity.

And then the chaos ensued...

Later on that day, she even went back to her shelf and pulled it off to play again. She's a huge fan of this. Score one for a brilliant Mama!

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