Friday, August 12, 2011

Newest Homemade Diaper

When I was pregnant, I got super stir crazy (I might have mentioned that before) so I got creative with the sewing machine. One of the main things I did was to make all of Little A's diapers, wipes and burp cloths.

Entire diapering stash for Little A as a newborn

Small diaper covers

Diaper Wipes

Diaper "inserts"

Burp Cloths

As you can see, I was a busy busy bee! They work really well but the making of the covers was VERY labor intensive. The trim was bias tape, whereas alot of mamas use just Fold-Over elastic. I made 4 small sized and 2 xtra small sized but no mediums (as medium seemed SOO far in the future, HA!). Well, Little A outgrew even the largest small size right as we were moving. Long story short, I've had her in disposables for a couple months now.

I am ready to cloth diaper again and have created my first medium sized dipe. 

Medium Diaper

The "waist" is actually pretty small

Natural terry insert

Hook and loop for laundering

Hook and loop closure
I'm pretty satisfied with how it came out and it was much less labor intensive than the smalls. I love the new inserts and the way the contour to the diaper. I learned my lesson from my smalls and this time round I added some velcro loop to the inside so that they can be closed and the hook doesn't get all gunked up with lint. 

I think I'm going to start using Aplix, instead of velcro, as I've heard that it holds up better to multiple washings. I like to put gussets on my dipes but this one would be hard to do that to. So far, I haven't had any leaks... *crossing fingers*

I participate in these link parties, so if you get a chance please check them out!

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