Saturday, July 30, 2011

5 Things I Didn't Realize I Would Need...

...with a baby.

1. Link Toys: I use these things for everything. You can attach them to the stroller, swing, playgym, etc and they keep toys within reach.
2. Baby Wipes: I really should have known better with this one. We planned on cloth diapering,  although I need to make her next size, and we use cloth wipes. BUT I use wet wipes for nearly everything ELSE. Wiping up messes, wiping off toys, boogers and even occasionally a poop. 
3. Baby Leggings: I made a couple pair of these before Little A was born... and I can't make enough of them. They are SO much easier than putting pants on her, because it makes changing yucky diapers alot quicker and less messy.

4. Blender: I thought I would use a food processor more than I would ever use a blender but I found the blender does a WAY better job for most all of the food I make for her. It's so much easier to get out and I can do smaller quantities much easier. 

5. Nursing Pads: Now, I don't breastfeed anymore (Little A made that decision) but when I did I HAD TO HAVE these. If I didn't wear them, milk went EVERYWHERE! This may not be the same for every breast feeding mom but it sure was for me. NOTE: If you are planning to breastfeed, spring for reusable breast pads, they are much much better. I used hemp ones.

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