Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Montessori Room in Progress

The last article I wrote was on the Montessori floor bed. A couple weeks ago, I was able to start on Little A's new room.

I love these glass french doors. I can look through the glass to check on her when I get paranoid in the middle of the night. ;)

This is her floor bed. We have a waterproof sheet and this VERY yellow sheet over it. She doesn't sleep with any pillows and rarely any blankets. Although, she has to have her Lovey, Love Bunny. :)

This shelving is some I already had. It's not what I want forever but it works for now. When she starts crawling, I will take off all the books but the board books. I will also add a basket of household items that she can explore. We also have yet to secure it to the wall.

I will be painting a mural on the wall that her bed is against, of a magical garden. The rest of the walls will be green. I want to paint her dresser.

UPDATE: I purchased a mirror for above her bed. We also put a toddler-sized chair and table in next to her dresser.

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