Thursday, June 9, 2011

Montessori Baby Rooms

Our family is moving to a new city because Little A's papa got a GREAT new job! It's about 200 miles away from where we were living so it's quite the "hop" for us. Little A has had her own room for a couple months now and we are looking for a house where she can continue to have her own space. I haven't gotten to properly set up a "nursery" for her because our lives have been so hectic so I'm very excited to dig into setting up her new room.

I've been doing research on how to set up a baby Montessori room. There are all the standards of Montessori, like child-sized furniture and low hung art work. The biggest thing I've found is that often a bed on the floor is recommended.

(Photo credit to SewLiberated. It's a GREAT blog, please check it out!)

The idea of putting her bed on the floor is not a big deal to me, I've just never thought of it. The idea is that when she is old enough to be mobile, she can get out of bed and utilize her space instead of being stuck in a crib. I can imagine that having mobility would cut down on frustration. What it does mean is that I would need to make sure that the whole room is BEYOND baby proof.

I'm actually incredibly excited about this project. Now if I could just find us a house...

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