Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I'm back!

As you can see, I have taken a looooong hiatus from the world of blogging. Alot has happened since I was here last. I am now engaged and have a baby daughter born in February of this year. My fiance (I'll just call him Daddy) has a job that allowed me to quit my job as a nanny to stay home full time with my daughter. I don't feel like there is a better gift that I could get.

Having my daughter completely changed my life. I have always been child-centered (having worked with children for years) but nothing quite prepares you for how dramatically your life will change when your own child makes their appearance. The last 3 months have been the hardest and most rewarding of my life. I am learning slowly what it takes to be a mom and it is the most incredible experience.

I am changing the direction of this blog from more of a Montessori "how-to" into a place to talk about natural parenting, attachment parenting, Montessori in the home and, eventually, home schooling. I hope to start my own business sometime in the near future so I will be throwing in some work-from-home mom stuff as well. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I do.

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