Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Benefits of Montessori in Your Home

Whether you are a stay-at-home parent, a nanny, a part-time parent or even a working parent, you can make the choice to implement the Montessori Method in your home. In fact, your home is arguably the most favorable of environments for the Montessori Method to take place. The reason for this is because a Montessori education hinges on everything being "real" for the child. In a classroom, it can be more challenging to replicate some parts of real life but your home IS real life, making it that much easier.

Implementing the Montessori Method in your home can be a challenge and is always a choice; a Montessori education will not just happen, you must mindfully establish an environment and material for your child. That said, the rewards are endless. A child is learning, processing and growing from before they are born. They experience the world around them with a keen sense of wanting to be a part of it and to master it's ins and outs. If you set up their environment in a way to challenge them and keep them moving forward in their experience of their world, their capabilities are virtually boundless.

Something that is incredibly important to keep in mind when considering the Montessori Method for your child is that at each stage of your child's development they are more susceptible to learning things than they are later in life. They are more likely to be able to learn multiple languages. The list goes on and on; their potential for life down the road is (often) hinged on what they are able to process and understand as children.

It is scary to many caregivers to trust that a child's "educators" will be the ones to make sure that child is given the best environment and exposure. That is why making the child's home life as optimal as possible is so important to caregivers. If a child is receiving a wonderful education at home, then school/daycare can be a positive supplement instead of the only opportunity to learn. 

You will find tons of information in this blog about how to optimally set up your home, what materials are appropriate for what stages, some tips for dealing, activities to do with your child and articles/links to help us all learn more about a Montessori education.

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