Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Basics of Montessori- 5 Areas of Curriculum

There are 5 main areas of concentration when it comes to a Montessori "curriculum". They are as follows:

Practical Life
Practical life activities are simple; they are activities in which children practice doing everyday chores and events. This could be as simple as children sweeping the floor and as complex as preparing food for a certain occasion or holiday.

Children are constantly doing sensorial activities; activities in which they learn about and explore their senses. By very early on, children are aware and use all 5 senses so for the rest of their childhood they are just sharpening and honing them. There are activities exploring temperature, taste and even coming to understand the weight and pressure of objects.

Language is pretty straight forward: the study and exploration of spoken and written word. Language activities can be incredibly simple such as reading to the child. They can also be incredibly complex such as picking up on and understanding body language.

Mathematics also seems pretty simple but so much of our world is entwined and comprised of mathematical concepts. From pre-math skills such as number line awareness to the geometry of objects. Math is a crucial part not only of a child's education but also of their life as a whole. It is even used in musical concepts such a rhythm and tempo.

As part of a Montessori education, a child will explore different areas of the world, different ways of living and other differences within their own society. They will learn about New York City and how it is different from Hong Kong. They will learn about the Chinese, English and/or the Russian Languages. Young children will be introduced to the basics of their own city or neighborhood. What is a stop sign? Where is the sidewalk?

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