Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Liebster Award!

I got such a great surprise comment the other day from Michelle at Learning To Be A Mom. She nominated me for the Liebster Award. Don't know what the Liebster Award is? Well, here it is...

The Liebster Award is given to bloggers, by bloggers.  It is a way to acknowledge each other and say, "You are doing a great job."  It is for blogs with 200 or less followers, so it is also a great way to spread the word about smaller blogs and get them more readers and followers!  When you receive the award you post eleven random facts about yourself, and answer eleven questions from the person who nominated you.  You pass the award onto eleven other blogs, (make sure you let them know they were nominated.)  and ask them eleven questions.  You are not allowed to nominate the blog that nominated you. 

To get this button, right click on the picture and save it to your computer.  You can then upload it to your blog 

So, to get things rollin', here are the 11 questions that Michelle asked me and my (completely rad) answers:

  1. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a teacher, and then I grew up and realized what that would mean for me. It was definitely a hard choice to turn away from something I was so passionate about.
  2. How many Pinterest boards do you have and which is your favorite? I have 25 and my favorite is definitely My Child Learning board. 
  3. What is the first site you visit when you turn on your computer in the morning? Facebook. I know that is just so bad but I love to wake up to see what all my friends and families have been up to.
  4. What was the first thing you bought with your own money? I remember that so clearly, it was a CD- The Wonder Years soundtrack. I still love that CD to this day.
  5. What is your favorite weekend activity? I love going out with my little family to the farmer's market and then to a coffee shop to relax together.
  6. What is one thing your dream home must have? A deep tub that I can soak in, for sure.
  7. What is your favorite dessert? Oh gosh, this is a toughy. Anything that is super-uber-dooper chocolate, I guess.
  8. If you could travel in time would you rather go into the past or the future? The past. I would go back to share a day with my great-grandparents again. I wish that I could see themalive and as they were when I was a little child.
  9. What is the last movie that made you cry? Ok, this is gonna be cheezy to the max... Brave.
  10. Are you a morning person? No, not at all. It's awful.
  11. What is your guilty pleasure? Hulu, hands down. Oh and sweet, sweet Starbucks coffee.
A big thanks has to go to Michelle. Thank you for recognizing my hard work and picking me for this honor. 

Now, on to my nominations for the Liebster. I chose these blogs because they have either amazing child-centered content or they have a great start at blog design but typically it's a mix of the two. Please take a moment to check them out, they are definitely worth the time. (A couple of these blogs have slightly more than 200 followers but they were so great, I couldn't leave them out.)

These are my 11 questions for the nominees:
  1. What are your goals for your blog?
  2. What are your hopes for your child?
  3. What's the last thing you do when you go to sleep at night?
  4. What is the thing that you do for yourself, when you get that deserved 10 minutes?
  5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
  6. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  7. What kind of mom would you say that you are?
  8. What kind of mom would your friends say that you are?
  9. Red wine or white?
  10. What kind of pets do you have?
  11. How is your relationship with your parents?


  1. Congratulations on being nominated! Thank you so much for the nomination. It's great to read more about you. You are doing a great job with your blog too. Can't wait to read more.

  2. Thank you so much! I was so happy to see that you had nominated me! :)

  3. I loved reading your answers. My favorite was that you bought a Wonder Years soundtrack. I love it! You have such a great blog.
