Friday, March 2, 2012

SUPER Easy Toddler Art- Contact Paper Collage

This is an oldie but a goodie...

I've been trying to think of art projects that Little A and I could do together now that she's a toddler but I don't like a huge mess... then I remembered this great project that my mom used to do when she ran a daycare. I'm calling it Contact Paper Collage.

Here's what you'll need...

-Some contact paper
-Pieces of tissue paper, cardstock, fabric, bric a brac, etc
-A little tape
-A willing toddler (HA!)

Just tape the contact paper, with the sticky facing TOWARD you, to a window. You can tape it to a high chair tray or the floor but I prefer the window.

You gather together your pieces of paper (or whatever) and your toddler. Show your kiddo how to take a piece and stick it to the contact paper. The key here is to show them with lots of enthusiasm! They will want to do it too.

Itchy nosed excitement!
Some tips:
-When they get something to stick, try lots of laughing, high fives and clapping.
-When they "miss", still lots of laughing. 
-Try your hardest NOT to correct them. If they don't get it, just show them again by doing it yourself. You don't want this activity to turn into a chore. 
-Have fun!

When you're done putting on the pieces, take the paper off the window and stick it to whatever you want! You could stick it to that same window (or another), a pieces of paper, a frame, whatever. I suggest putting it somewhere where your toddler can see it and let your little one help you put it up. (Don't forget to date it!)

This is one of the french doors to Little A's room. It looks cute and is a little bit of a visual "screen".

I LOVED doing this with Little A! She had a blast, giggling whenever she dropped a piece and ecstatic when she got one up. She still crawls over to her display and points to it with a smile. It warms a mama's heart.

Click here to better see those doors. I HIGHLY recommend them for a Montessori room!

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1 comment:

  1. This looks like so much fun! I love how simple the set-up is! I'm going to feature it today on my blog--let me know if that's a problem!
