Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Yesterday my birthday! I cannot disclose my age (ok, I could but, um, I don't think I will) but it was a good one.

My husband got off work a little early and we took the baby to a sitter (a good friend of ours). Then he took me to an amazing asian restaurant downtown where I had duck for the first time (not a fan) and many other delicious dishes. The restaurant gave us dessert, a chocolate torte, that was super good. At dinner my husband gave me my present...

He said,
It's to glue our hands together so that when we go to salsa lessons, they can't separate us.
He got me salsa lessons! We eventually made our way back to our friends house to pick up Little A, who was asleep. My friend had spent the time with Little A to make me a card... it was so so special.

On the way home, my husband asked,
What would make a perfect end to this night for you? If it were me, well, you know what it would be but I want you to have whatever makes you happiest.
Laughter and swooning ensued. So I got to pick a movie with no groaning from him and I received a lovely back massage complete with lemony lotion.


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