Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Toddler Tip Tuesday- Car Safety

Today's tip is particularly useful if you have more than one little tyke...

If you're like me or any other caregiver, you have (on more than one occasion) almost had a heart attack in a parking lot. Most of the time this is because our little one seems to think that this is the place to run around like a chicken. No matter how many times we tell them, it doesn't sink in that the street/parking lot is DANGEROUS!

So, instead of telling them what NOT to do, give them something to do with their time. The activity that I use is having them put their hands on the car. They must be touching the car at all times unless they are holding my hands. This is incredibly useful to me as I have 2 toddlers that I am loading and unloading. So, I have the older one put her hands on "the circle" (where the gas hatch is) and stay there until I come get her. She loves this little job that she has and enjoys telling me about the "sicle". It works, without fail, every time.

Of course, you're going to know your child best. Maybe this particular activity won't be as helpful for you. But you could have them put their foot on the car. Or their bottom. Or maybe they could help you with whatever it is that you are loading or unloading. Keeping them busy (mind and body) is the key to being without panic while getting in and out of the car.


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