Wednesday, September 16, 2009

More on the History of Montessori (+links)

In the introduction I talked a little bit about Maria Montessori but, for those who are interested, I will go into her history a little more and provide links.

Maria Montessori was born in 1870 in Italy. She was raised pretty typically but at the age of thirteen, and against her father's wished, she attended a boy's technical school. She was the first woman in Italy to become a doctor. She took an interest in special needs and underprivileged children. She was eventually given a childcare facility with mentally retarded and poor children. Many of the children she worked with ended up scoring at normal. 

The first Montessori school was established in 1907 and produced wildly successful results. Her focus was on child guided learning; allowing the child to follow their own interests and drive to learn. 

Maria Montessori ended up traveling around the world. When World War II started and forced her to stay in India. After her stay there, she moved to the Netherlands where she died in 1952. There are thousands of Montessoir day cares, schools and center around the world.

Links to more history on Maria Montessori:

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